Data Direct is a leader in the production, security and fullfilment of personalized printing solutions. Providing the necessary expertise that our customers need in order to successfully implement programs that drive growth and loyalty.
Helping you grow your business by enacting on the business incites and intelligence you already have and know.
Make powerful marketing messages with clean and enhanced data.
Data Direct puts security at the centre of everything we do. The integrity of the data is of utmost importance, and thus we’ve created frameworks to protect your data at all costs.
E-asy step by step secure payment process
Enhance your communication one to one with your clients for better engagement and results.
Finish strong and stand out with creative print and finishing that helps your marketing piece get noticed.
Research shows all age groups love and use mail. Delivering half a million pieces of mail and hundreds of parcels each day supports this statistic.
Data Direct single sourced warehousing & distributionprocess keeps your materials inventoried, organized and ready for order fulfillment.
Taking the angst out of freight and postage to get the best deal for your business.
Surveys are one of the primary vehicles for collecting the information your business needs to make decisions to help you grow.
What’s in a postal code? Find out who your best customers are and find more like them.
Determine where they live and what they buy by analysing your data for insights. Don’t waste those precious marketing dollars.
"It all starts with Data @ Data Direct"
Data Preparation
"Accurate data produces powerful marketing messages"
Secure Card Technology
" Helping to create eye-catching, premium looking cards and packaging that your customer will be proud to gift to their friends and family. "
Digital Print Shop
"Make it personal with digital print data.
Who doesn’t like their name in lights when it’s relevant"
Offset Print & Bindery
"Tap into your Data to make your print interactive, relevant and engaging"
Direct Mail Lettershop.
"What gets people to buy what they buy? Directive Data"
"Our Knowledge based fulfillment expertise means customised fulfillment solutions for you"
“Data Direct; making sure you get the mailing breaks you deserve”